Image of Chris Kyriacou

Posted on by Chris Kyriacou

10 Reasons Why You Should Use SMS Marketing

We are proud to be adding mobile messaging (or SMS marketing) to our services, in order to complement our existing marketing communications with a direct form of traditional marketing.

In today’s digital age, where so much marketing communication is lost through the amount of noise associated through congested channels such as social media, email marketing, etc, SMS marketing provides a message directly to the customer.

Below we’ve highlighted ten reasons why we believe businesses should be incorporating mobile messaging into their marketing strategies.

1) Highest Open Rate

SMS marketing has the highest open rate of any other marketing channel, with 97.5% of messages being read within the first 5 seconds of being received.

2) Growing Use of Mobile Phones

At the end of 2014 a whopping 93% of the adult community owned a mobile phone in the UK, of which 61% are smartphones, a 10% increase from the previous year.

3) High Response Rate

Response rates for SMS marketing are four times higher than any other form of marketing communication.

4) The Preferred Choice

According to the Direct Marketing Association, customers prefer to be marketed to via mobile messaging rather than other forms of digital marketing.

5) Vary Customer Engagement

Marketers assume that mobile messaging is a rather outdated form of communication. However by varying your form of contact with stakeholders, it demonstrates your businesses versatility and motivation to engage with your customers on a variety of marketing channels.

6) A Constant Source of Communication

A recent study, found that over a 24 hour period, 81% of adults constantly have their phones switched on, increasing your likelihood of reach and visibility.

7) Warmly Received

Consumers prefer being targeted via their mobile phone, compared to other marketing means, with 40% of UK consumers happy to receive SMS messages from marketers.

8) Doesn’t Need to be Marketing Orientated

Mobile messaging doesn’t have to be sales or marketing orientated. SMS messaging can be used to wish customers a Happy Birthday, or remind them about an appointment or changes to your opening times.

9) Learn About Your Customer Behaviours

By being active on mobile messaging, you can analyse different customer purchase behaviours as a result of marketing through different channels, which will help construct your marketing strategies going forward.

10) Short and Simple

Short, informative content is becoming increasing popular – just look at Twitter! Users – specifically millennial’s – lose patience with advertising campaigns that possess large amounts of data, text and unnecessary information. SMS marketing keeps the message short and simple, which resonates with stakeholders easier than the likes of some email marketing campaigns.


By Chris Kyriacou

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