9 steps to prepare for a live-stream and avoid disasters
If you’re planning to go live on any social media platform, it’s important to keep a few things in mind. Avoid awkward silences & technical disasters by preparing and planning your live stream broadcast properly.
PRE live stream.
1) Plan plan plan: did I mention plan? Live streams can seem like a perfect time to go on camera and interact with your followers or fans. And it is. However, if you put no planning into your live stream, it could end in disaster. It’s not ideal to have a really scripted awkward live-stream, but you should definitely have notes to keep you on track if you accidentally skew off-topic.
2) Internet
It should be a given… always check that your internet connection is as fast & well connected as it can be. There is nothing more frustrating for viewers than a frozen live stream or a stream disconnecting mid-way through. Unprofessional and awkward!
3) Test it
On some live streaming platforms, there is an option to live stream ‘privately’. For instance, on Facebook, you can select for the live-stream to show to ‘Only Me’, which means you can go live for testing reasons (eg. Check out the lighting and the sound!).
Rehearsals are key to a good live stream. You should know the topics you’re going to discuss and you should always have prompts in case you forget where you’re going next. If there are lots of people taking part, try your best to rehearse together before the live stream. Simply saying things out loud will give you more of an idea how the whole thing will work and make the real thing easier.
During live stream
5) Interact & engage
Live-streaming is seriously popular right now and it’s mainly down to the real-time engagement that comes with it. If you’re hosting a live stream, always remember to engage with those watching. Welcome them, say hello and answer their questions. You’re not filming a TV show here!
6) Have a ‘setlist’ and rundown, and keep checking it
Keep checking your off-screen notes to keep on track. Without doing this, it can be easy to skew off topic.
7) Have fun & be real
As much as I’ve hammered on about planning, it is also important to relax and have fun whilst filming a live stream. It’s awkward to watch a live-stream that’s been meticulously planned to the last second. Have cues for when you get a little lost, but do make sure to be yourself.
Post live –stream
8) Check analytics
When going live, like any social media campaign or event, it’s a good idea to check the stats to get a gauge as to whether the live stream was a success. Obviously, success can be measured in multiple ways, all of which depend on your own KPI’s and measurements, as well as general marketing goals or targets. Keep an eye for stats like view through rate, as this can show you when people were dropping off the stream for example. From here you could plan to keep your streams slightly shorter in the future if you think this would improve VTR.
9) Plan your next live-stream
So once you’ve finished your first live-stream – woohoo! Next thing to do? Plan your next one! To build up a loyal live-stream follower base it’s important to keep it consistent, like any type of online content. So once you’ve tweaked your approach by looking at analytics, get straight back in there and plan for your next stream!
Got any of your own tips for live streaming? Share them on Twitter!
By Ruby Lowe
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