4 Ways To Get Your Instagram Story to the Top of your Followers Newsfeed
We’re all aware of the value Instagram stories posses over their counterpart Snapchat, however the feature has been somewhat over utilised by brands and Instagram’s stories have become rather congested.
‘How do I get around this?’ I hear you say? Lucky for you, we’ve put together four simple, easy to follow (as long as you listen to them) ways to get your Instagram story to the top of your followers newsfeed below.
1) Quality over quantity – Only post when necessary
The more times you post, the harder it will be to maintain a successful follower:view ratio.
Constant uploads to your Instagram stories will place you lower down the pecking order as Instagram’s story algorithm is more likely to rank you at the top based on 2 key criteria; 1) if users rarely post a story or 2) if you have just followed someone as Instagram wants to test how likely you are to watch that story from the new account/new story uploader.
2) Don’t post more than 4-6 times at a time
When you do upload a story to Instagram, make sure you don’t upload more than 4-6 times over a 24 hour period. Why? Well, the longer and more stories you have uploaded, the less likely a followers is to engage and watch all of our story clips, which of course, Instagram’s algorithm takes into consideration, and yes, you guessed…will in turn place you towards the back of the queue.
3) Include hashtags and locations
Hashtags more so than locations. With Instagram’s latest feature that allows you to follow hashtags and with the explore feature (the small magnifying glass at the bottom of your Instagram screen) featuring stories that are most relevant to you.
It’s important to include one or two relevant hashtags along with your location to maximise your stories impression potential. More impressions = being placed higher up the pecking order.
4) Live stream…occasionally
Ever noticed how users that live-stream on Instagram have their live-stream pushed to the front of the Instagram story feed? Well, Instagram can have a tendency to place a users Instagram story alongside an Instagram live stream, talk about double bubble.
Obviously this doesn’t mean go crazy with live streaming, but it’s definitely worth considering alongside your story strategy once or twice a month.
By Chris Kyriacou
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