Case Study: Simon Carter

The Client

Market leading British menswear brand; Simon Carter.

Our Brief

  • Increase brand awareness amongst a younger target audience through social media
  • Take full control of social media strategy involving creating content, customer service, reporting and managing social media ads
  • Grow followers and brand awareness amongst fast-growing fashion community on Instagram


  • Regular, high quality, low budget photo shoots for a consistent aggressive Instagram strategy
  • Engaging with direct competitors established followers across Twitter and Instagram to faster encourage growth and engagement

My trendy Antiqued Shield necklace is available exclusively to @ASOS.

A photo posted by Simon Carter (@simoncarterltd) on


Like radicalising your granny’s china ornaments in the name of fashion, our China Dog shirt is a Liberty exclusive.

A photo posted by Simon Carter (@simoncarterltd) on

Here we have the super talented Andrew Ashong modeling my navy ‘waffle’ jacket.

A photo posted by Simon Carter (@simoncarterltd) on



  • 14,000+
    new organic followers on Instagram

  • 96%

    increase in engagement per media on Instagram

  • 200%
    general increase in engagement across all social media channels
  • 1,520+
    monthly engagements

Need help with your social media strategy? Feel free to drop Chris a line at or get in touch here.

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